Friday 6 March 2009

Tomb Raider AnniversOwned.

1000G unlocked, one very good game, fun and hard to an extent, speed runs take the piss, I finished 4 or 5 of them with less than 5 seconds left lol.

Gonna play some Lego Games this week and chill out. Want to get Shellshock and Silent Hill Homecoming, Resi 5 next Friday WOOOOO!!!

Sunday 1 March 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

A good game is something I can find myself playing and not getting extremely annoyed at..This was Kung Fu Panda...

A bad game is a game I play and enjoy but die too much. This is GoW 2 Horde on Insane..

An ugly game is Tomb Raider Anniversary...I hate this...
Die easy, glitches that reset percentage completed..And Time Trials that are harder than Chuck Norris..Get out of my face...NOW.

1000G in Kung Fu Panda...